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As teachers, we possess a life long love of learning!  As our husbands complain that we have the summer off, we know that we really spend that time recharging our batteries, and learning!  We learn knew ways to teach, new lessons to try, new art projects, new behavior management plans, and for some of us, new ways to grow our online business!  Today I wanted to talk to you guys about summer goals! I wanted to share by main summer goal with you, and hopefully you will share yours as well!

My goal this summer is to become a better photographer.  My husband and I bought a digital camera around Thanksgiving (Black Friday sales).  We got the Cannon T5.  This is definitely not the fanciest camera out there, but it's a place to start, and a huge upgrade from iphone photography!
I got the camera, and started messing around with all of the manual options. I thought that the 10 or so minutes I spent reading that one tutorial would all of a sudden make me a pro, but I was sadly mistaken! : )  The rest of the year has been spent on auto, and I do love the crisp and clear images that it gives me, but I'd like to dive a little bit deeper into getting to know my camera, and making it work for me and my business.

To assist me with my summer goal I decided to enlist some professional help!  I'm a visual learner, and need a little guidance where I can figure things out with some guided trial and error.  I searched Living Social for photography class, and found one that meets in the beautiful Balboa Park. The Living Social deal was around $35.

After taking the class, I hope to do some more research on my own through the 100 or so pins I've already pinned to my pinterest photography board.  If you would like to check out my Pinterest photography board, click HERE

I am also hoping to learn a little bit more about editing.  Whether I want to use Photoshop, or Lightroom, how much they will cost, and how to best utilize those resources.

Photo by

So that's my plans for the summer!  Please comment below and tell me about your #summergoals, I would love to hear about what new things you plan to learn about or do this summer! 

Post by Cori Blubaugh @ Mrs. B's Beehive

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