16 November 2018

Be An Angel... Help A Child:

It's FREE, It's EASY & It's a Game Changer!

I'm so excited to announce that ESGI is supporting a very special organization during this holiday season. 
Click the image above.

All you have to do is give ESGI a try! 
It's FREE!
It's Amazing!
And it will Change Your Life!
(+ the FREE trial lasts until March 31!
That could be almost 5 months of freeness!
(Is that a word?)

And ESGI will make a $5.00 donation!

Just be sure to use their promo code:
between Nov. 5 and Dec. 31, 2018.

I made it easy for you.
All you have to do is 
click on the promo code above and
sign up for your FREE trial.
(Did I mention that 
NO CREDIT CARD is required?)

What you get:

(that lasts until March 31, 2019!!!)

A $40 discount off of your 1st year 
if you choose to purchase it.

A savings of nearly 400 hours 
of your precious time as 
ESGI organizes your data
generates everything from graphs
parent reporting letters 
(in English & Spanish), 
flashcards customized for each child 
with the specific skills they need to practice. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

      Make a difference in the life of a child and...
            get amazing data to drive your instruction.

Generate your own tests to match your district's tests or use the built-in tests created by ESGI or any of the "Friends" (educational consultants) on their website.  
See for yourself how ESGI will change your life!

It's Easy, Breazy, Lemon-Squeezy!

You won't know how you survived without it!!!

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