30 August 2018

Back to School Tips Part 3

Setting up the best classroom EVER!

Here are a few time-saving, "make my life easier" ideas that I like to do at the beginning of the year:

First, I take a photo of each child when they come in for pre-testing.  I hang up some fabric and use it as a background for the photos .  Then, when I attach their photos to the inside of their cubbies, they all coordinate with the bulletin board above it and the red checkered theme I have in my room.

Photo spot.
We will write about our favorite sandwiches on a sandwich
template and pin them on the plates.
Their photos, with the checkered background ,
will replace the old photos inside the cubbies.
I print the photos in all different sizes to use in different ways.
One way is to attach a 2" X 3" photo to card stock, laminate it, and add a sticky Velcro dot to the back.
Then, we use them to graph all kinds of things on a huge graph I made that has Velcro in each square.

Front of graphing card.
Back of graphing card.

1st Day Certificates:

Next, I printed up our 1st Day certificates:
This year, I had to change my master to "first day of TK".
Click the image to get the certificates for K.

1st Day Photo for the Memory Book:

 We took our "First Day In TK" photos!  I am hanging the frame on the bulletin board and placing the individual photos all around it for Back-To-School-Night!

That's all for now.  
Hope your new school year is awesome!

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