19 June 2017

Kinder Tribe Book Study: The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading Chapter 3

Hello Kinder Tribe!  Amanda here with you today from Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten.  Like my other Kinder Tribe members, I am so excited about this book study.  I owned the previous version and it totally transformed my guided reading lessons three years ago.  I was amazed at the progress my students were able to make using this lesson plan format found in Chapter 3!

Let's dive in to Chapter 3, The Emergent Reader:  Levels A-C.  When I really get my guided reading groups up and running, I have a couple of groups still in Pre-A and then the rest of my groups fall into this category.

The Emergent Reader lesson spans across two days with each lesson being approximately 20 minutes.  The lessons are fast paced which helps keep your students' attention and you are able to get through quite a bit in a short amount of time.

I love how in the book Jan Richardson has such an easy to follow lesson plan for these lessons.  There is an example one filled out on page 94 or a blank copy on page 309.

Sight Word Review (1-2 minutes) - I use whiteboards and dry erase markers for this because my students LOVED using whiteboards.  You could also use scrap paper and markers.  Choose familiar sight words and always review the most recent sight word you taught.  I also try to find words that the students will encounter in our new book that are familiar words to review.

Book Introduction (3-5 minutes) - When introducing the new book, here are the steps you can follow:
1.  Provide a synopsis - Sometimes I even write out exactly what I am going to say so I don't forget
2.  Preview and predict - Have students make predictions about the illustrations and draw their attention to important information.  You do NOT need to discuss every page.
3.  Introduce new vocabulary - If you have to introduce more than 5 words, then the book is too difficult for that group.
4.  Practice new language structures - You can turn to a specific page and read a sentence to the group and have them practice it with you.
5.  Encourage cross-checking - I love that Richardson included a chart to help you provide students just what they need for this (check it out on page 74)

Reading with Prompting (8-10 minutes)- During this part of the lesson, the students are going to individually read the book while you confer with students.  My students know that if they finish reading the book they need to go back and keep rereading it until I am finished with my conferring.  Once again, Richardson provides us with the language for prompting.  You can find a chart on page 76, but she also includes it on her blank lesson plan.

Discussion Prompt (2-3 minutes) - Engage the students in a meaningful conversation about the story.  I know that some of our books have simple story lines so sometimes we can use the text and characters to make personal connections.

Teaching Point (1-2 minutes) - On the lesson plan page, there are options for you to choose from for this part of the lesson.  This teaching should be QUICK and CLEAR.  She provides with a chart of activities on page 77 that matches a goal with a demonstration.  I am so thankful that she has provided us with all these little "nuggets" of information.  It makes planning for my groups so much easier.

Teach One Sight Word (2-3 minutes) - For this part of the lesson, you will want to choose a sight word from the book that is new to the students.  My students love this part of the lesson because they get to do some of their favorite activities.
1.  What's Missing?
2.  Mix & Fix
3.  Table Writing
4.  Write It
You can read about those here.

Word Study (3-4 minutes) - For this, you can choose activities such as picture sorting, making words, or sound boxes.  Many times I would have students do their Words Their Way sorts with me during this time.

As you can see, many of the activities in Day 2 are the same or similar as Day 1.  Let's go through the new activities for Day 2.

Sight Word Review (1-2 minutes) - This is the same as Day 1 except you want to review the new word you taught on Day 1 with the other review words.

Reread Book with Prompting (8-10 minutes) - Today students will work on reading the book with fluency.  You can use those prompts from Day 1 again to differentiate for your students.

Discussion Prompt (2-3 minutes) - This is the same as Day 1, but you would want to have a new discussion about the book.

Teaching Point (1-2 minutes) - Once again, this is the same as Day 1.

Reteach Sight Word (2-3 minutes) - Follow the same procedures as on Day 1.

Guided Writing (5-8 minutes) - For this, you want to choose a sentence that is an appropriate length for your students.
Level A sentence should be 3-5 words
Level B sentence should be 5-7 words
Level C sentence should be 7-10 words

Then follow these steps for the activity:
1.  Draw a line for each word
2.  Confer, scaffold, and teach - allow the students to work at their own pace
3.  Focus on spelling - prompt students to say the words as they write them

Once you are finished with these two days, you will want to reflect on the book and take a look at what your next steps should be.

Was this book too hard, too easy, or just right for the students?  What should the next focus be for this group?  Which students do I need to take a closer look at?  What will our next book be?

I can not stress enough how much this format changed my teaching and how successful my students were because of it.  When I started this format (three years ago this winter), I have 3/4 of my class below grade level on their Fountas & Pinnell benchmark.  By the end of that year, with my change in instruction, almost all of my students made the kindergarten benchmark.  It was amazing and still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.

Hop on over to our Facebook group and let me know what questions you have about Chapter 3!

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