06 September 2016

Beginning of the Year Literacy Centers with Seesaw

Hey there, Kinder Tribe followers!  I'm Brittany from Mrs. Banister's Kindergarten Kids, and I'm here today to talk to you about beginning of the year literacy centers!

Can you believe it's already September?!?!  We have been in school for 19 days, and routines are established, expectations are known, and 1/9 of the way through the school year.

Literacy and math centers are two of my favorite parts of the day, and I know my kiddos love that time as well.  We started this small group time the first full week of school this year (As every teacher knows... Sometimes it's later than that depending on the group of kiddos!), and they have been smooth sailing ever since!

I teach in a 1:1 classroom, where every child has an iPad mini.  We use technology often throughout our day, but we also love to mix in traditional centers like Play Doh, pocket chart, and manipulatives, like pattern blocks and snap cubes.  We don't do too many worksheets, if you get my drift. :)

These students love to use the app Reading Eggs to practice literacy skills.

A little Chicka Chicka Boom Boom sand table action...

Stamping sight words is always fun!

Play Doh is always a hit.

Pocket chart color sorting from Deedee Wills

Those differentiated dice are my jam... We love to use them at the roll and cover station!

Pattern block puzzles are a math center favorite!  (Pack from Katie Mense)

One issue I have encountered in doing centers in a hands-on way is the lack of evidence to parents that we are working while at school. :)

Enter Seesaw!

Seesaw is a free, simple way for your students to share their school day with their parents, and it also gives you a way to hold your students accountable for their work.  

After you sign up for an account and create your class, you can share your class code with parents.  From there, they can access anything their child uploads to their portfolio.  

Sidenote:  You do not have to be a 1:1 classroom for Seesaw to work for you.  Students could access their own accounts (which Seesaw makes it simple by assigning each kid an animal avatar) on just one device.  Seesaw will literally work for any tech situation!

Here, students were to make shapes with straws.

This student uploaded a ChatterPix of her favorite part of the story Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes.

Although we just started using Seesaw in our classroom, students are already accessing their portfolios independently.  My students love uploading their work so their family can see it.  So far, we have had moms, dads, and even siblings leave feedback for their Kindergarten Kid!

Little do the kiddos know, but Seesaw also allows me to hold them accountable for their work.  Since I have to approve every item that goes into their portfolio, I can see who has done their work and who has not.  It makes my life so much easier!

If you haven't checked out Seesaw yet, DO IT!  It will make your center time so much easier, as well as the rest of your day!

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