21 July 2016

Meet the Teacher- Back to School

 Hey tribe! It's Jill from Chevron and Centers.
 The 2016-2017 school year is quickly approaching! I report back to school on August 4th. I will get to meet my new kinders on August 8th. I am not ready for summer to be over but I must admit I am excited to see their little faces!
 I always love giving my kiddos a few things at Meet the Teacher. A few years ago I found the Ready Confetti poem on Pinterest and it is a big hit my with kiddos! It is so much fun hearing then tell me about how they put the confetti under their pillows and didn't worry at all about the first day of kindergarten.
My Walmart finally had the bubble wands on clearance..whoop whoop! I made these Bubbling with excitement tags to go with them. I also found this adorable quote on Pinterest to put on a bag of goldfish. It may be my new favorite idea!

I couldn't resist HA!
If you would like to grab the tags just click on the picture below! What are some of your favorite things to do for Meet the Teacher? 
I hope you all have AmAzInG  2016-2017 school year!!! Much love!

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