22 September 2015

What Worked Well Wednesday: Book Recommendations

Hey everyone!  This is Katie from Miss Kate's Desk.  Today's What Worked Well Wednesday is about something new I started this year and that is going great!

My school the past few years has had a big literacy focus.  We are trying to have students read on grade level and meet goals/standards but also to love reading.

I read a book this summer called "The Book Whisperer" and it inspired me to continue finding ways to give students time to read and read books of their choice.  It is written by a junior high teacher but I loved the book.  I wanted to try to do student book recommendations in the classroom but I didn't have the space for a wall of them.  Instead, I have a poster outside of our classroom door that features one student a week.

The student who is picked gets to...
* Have their picture taken with the book they are recommending
* Tell other students, school visitors, and whoever else may walk by our room why it is a good book.

I've had so many parents, other teacher, and other classrooms' students comment on our recommendation poster the past 5 weeks.  It's been great to show off books we love and to teach students how to give an explanation why and persuade others.

Here's a link to this *FREEBIE* poster.

I simply pick a student from popsicle sticks each Friday and they pick out a book, I write down their review (usually a couple of sentences or so), and then print out their picture.  I use sticky tack to attach the photo to the laminated poster that hangs outside in the hallway next to our door.

I hope this idea helps give you inspiration or makes you want to try this in your classroom!  It's an easy way to get students excited about reading and sharing what books they have enjoyed.


  1. What a great idea! I love seeing them get excited about new books! Thanks for sharing!


  2. What a great idea! I love seeing them get excited about new books! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Yes, I love seeing them excited about books too. I made the poster and several people ask me to post it from my school so I made it a freebie for anyone. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for sharing such a creative idea. I want to try this.
    <a href="http://myfabulousclass.blogspot.com/>My Fabulous Class</a>
