16 January 2016

Alternative Seating in Kindergarten

Wiggly bodies are just part of the day in Kindergarten.  A 5 year old is not built to sit still, or in a chair, or really anywhere for more than a couple of minutes.  To enhance our learning environment we have a variety of options available to keep our room humming!


One of my favorite (cheap) ways to change things up and organize the chaos is by using rugs to create alternative seating in the classroom.  During our reading time, Writer's Workshop, and math centers students always have the option to grab a rug and find a spot in the classroom.  They work on their own or with a partner.  The rug helps contain their materials and gives them a comfy spot to sit. 
I get rugs for free from our local carpet store.  They give me the old samples and I've had pretty good luck finding them when I need them.  A set usually lasts about 2 years.  


I fell in love with crate seating a couple of years ago.  These benches create a perfect little nook in the classroom for a listening station or just a nice place to sit.  They double as extra storage too! 

 I replace the fabric on the chairs each year.  Yes, it has to be done. They are pretty dirty after a whole year of use.  I buy cheap sheets from Walmart to cover them with so the cost is pretty low! 

One Footed Stools

If you have a handy person in your life these are a super alternative to regular seating too!  My dad created these one footed stools for my extra wiggly friends.  I do not suggest using them on tile, but they work great on carpet!

Kore Stools

I really wanted some Kore Stools to add to our alternative seating options in the classroom.  The catch?  They are pricey!  I recently wrote a project for Donor's Choose and it funded in December!  We received our stools last week and my kiddos were really excited to use these at our small group table.  They are fantastic!
Of course we have our usual tables and for the most part about 50% of my students still choose to sit at a table during our independent or partner work time.  Having the option of alternative seating helps with management (they are not all crowded at one table trying to work...less chatter) and it gives my kiddos that would rather lay on their bellies to write the option! 

What are your favorite ways to add alternative seating arrangements in your room?  We would love to hear ideas.  Thank you for visiting Kinder Tribe today!


  1. Great ideas! I have been playing around with this idea for a while now. Maybe next year I'll try alternative seating. :)

    Miss Kate's Desk

  2. Hello!
    I am an elementary education student and I was wondering if the alternative seating makes the students less focused. Do you find yourself having to redirect their attention when they are sitting on a different stool?

  3. Hello! I'm wondering if you are still using flexible seating. I'm thinking about it but it's a big commitment. I'm also concerned my administration will not approve of it. What suggestions do you have when speaking with them? Thank you! 😊
