09 December 2015

What Worked Well Wednesday: December 9th

Hi friends!

This is Yukari from A Pinch of Kinder.

I'm excited to be here to share my first ever What Worked Well Wednesday post!

I'm going to keep this super short and sweet because I know a close third to back to school teacher tired and end of the year school tired is right before Christmas break teacher tired.  Am I right!?

Since my kids are in full on holiday mode I threw together this holiday themed sensory tub with a task.

The students are instructed to

1. Find a sand timer.
2. Start the sand timer.
3. Tweeze as many peppermint candy erasers out as they can before the timer runs out.
4. Count how many erasers they tweezed out and record their answer in the correct column.
5. Repeat until they have filled out all 3 columns.

My kids work on counting strategies, identifying and writing numbers, fine motor skills and develop an awareness of standard measurement tools (sand timer) all while playing and having fun!

If you would like to do the same activity in your class and would like the recording sheet I made up you can click here to grab it!

Any fun activities you tried out that worked well in your classroom this past week? Link up below with your What Worked Well Wednesday post below!

Linky Guidelines:

1. Grab the W.W.W.Wednesday image from above (the 2nd image from the top in this post) and include it in your post

2. Link back to this blog post (you can link the WWWW image that you included in your post)

3. Optional, but we highly recommend visiting the two posts before you and leaving a meaningful comment on their post.  Nice comments make the blog world go around! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is such an awesome idea! It is such a great way to incorporate fine motor and math. Thank you so much for sharing! :)
