30 November 2019

How Would You Like Too...

...help your students, yourself, & a needy child?

And did I mention that you also get a FREE 
Berteau & Co Word Wall? Well, you do!
You even get to choose the style!
Click the image to get started.
Here is the other style:
I love the colors in this word wall!

Here is one more view of this awesome FREE word wall.

If you try ESGI for FREE for 60 days, 
you can do just that!

Help Your Students: 

Your students will love ESGI so much they will beg you to test them. I'm so sure that they will, that I will send you a FREEBIE from my TpT store if they don't! 

Help Yourself: 

You will save so much time testing, evaluating data, and planning your instruction and intervention! I'm so sure that you will, that I will send you FREEBIE from my TpT store if you don't! 

Help A Needy Child:

If you sign up for your FREE trial with my code:
by Dec. 31, ESGI will donate a cozy pair of pajamas and a storybook to a chid in need!
Click the image to get started.

There is NO credit card required to start your FREE trial and ESGI will not SPAM you! I promise. 

And if you decide to continue with ESGI, you automatically qualify for $40 off of your 1st year because you used my affiliate code! Cool, right?

So, what are you waiting for? 
Here are the details so you get started today making a difference in the lives of your students, yourself, and a needy child. :)

HELP children in need receive cozy pajamas and storybooks this holiday season! It's super simple:

Sign up for a free trial of ESGI using Promo Code GOODNIGHTPALMA by December 31st:

  • You will receive a special Berteau & Co Word Wall for free
  • You will receive ESGI FREE for 60 days
  • You will save $40 off your first year when you purchase
  • ESGI will donate $10 towards Pajama Program
Use the following link to get started: https://www.esgisoftware.com/sign-up?promo=GOODNIGHTPALMA

Sign up and let me know how you LOVE IT!!!

16 October 2019

Addition at the Monster Mall:

This is the perfect time for your students to shop at the 
Monster Mall!  
We met Common Core State Standards in the most un-common way!
Here are some of our monsters and one of our menus.

I started by cutting squares of green construction paper to 7" X 7".

I created some monster pieces (like eyes, noses, scars, hair, necks with bolts, and mouths) and made a menu:
I gathered or made hair, eyes,
noses, mouths, necks, and scars.
I got my craft supplies from Oriental Trading Company. They have wiggle eyes, pom-poms for the noses, yarn for the mouths, and foam sheets for the head, neck, and hair.
Each item on this menu cost one cube.

Then, I called up 4 students at a time and I gave them each 5 cubes, counters, or plastic coins to use as money.
Each of the 4 children I met with used a different
colored set of five cubes so I could keep track of
how many cubes each child gave me.
Each item cost 1 counter, so they did not have enough cubes to buy every item, but they did have enough to buy 5 items.

You can also use any counting blocks or play coins.
You can use stacking counters for money.
Plastic coins are always fun for children to use as they shop for pieces for their monsters.
(Available online at Discount School Supply.)

This menu used 1 cent
 instead of 1 cube for each item.  

Some students bought hair, some did not.  The ones who bought hair got to decide if they wanted the hair to point down like bangs or up like spiked hair.

Some bought a scar to use on the side of their monster's face.  Some used the scar as a mouth.

If they bought a yarn mouth, they got to decide if they wanted the mouth to smile or frown.

Each monster looked different from the others, but they all cost 5 cubes.

We put them up in the school showcase.
Our monsters look great in the showcase
along with our stories.

We displayed our menu in the showcase too.
I love how each monster looks different.  
You can add more parts or increase the prices of the items to make it work for your own class. 

I have shopping receipt templates for 3 other stores:  
Meow Mall:  Students shop for parts to decorate their black cats.
Snowman Shop:  Students shop for parts to decorate their snowmen.
Leprechaun Store:  Students shop for parts to decorate their leprechauns.
You can find these receipts and directions here.

And, I created all of the parts you will need for a Meow Mall, Snowman Shop, & Leprechaun Store.
You can find that set by clicking HERE.

Click the image above. 


Click the image.

The Common Core State Standards call for real world math.  Shopping is as real as it gets, even at the Monster Mall!  Here are the CCSS covered in this lesson:

  • CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
    • CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4a When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.
    • CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4b Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
    • CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4c Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
Leave a comment & share a FUN Halloween activity that you do! 

Visit our Teachers Pay Teachers Store HERE.
Visit our Facebook Page Right HERE.
Visit our Pinterest Boards over Here.
And visit us again right here at our blog where we "keep the FUN in the FUNdamentals!"

07 July 2019

Buttons, Bows, Eric Carle, & Van Gogh!

Art Really Teaches!

Join us for some hands-on fun this summer, 
earn up to 3 graduate-level semester units
& receive a free gift:

Discover how you can link math 

to almost ANY of your 

favorite art activities!

Come and create an adorable hat 
using unique art materials from 
and learn how your students can 
"buy" everything they need 
to embellish their creation.

This workshop is Presented by

the CKA Art Team with special guest 

Palma Lindsay!

For Pre-K/TK/Kindergarten 

and Grade One Educators

Tuesday, July 30th

8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Click the image above for more info.
Contra Costa County Office of Education
77 Santa Barbara Road
Pleasant Hill, California

A Gift from the Art Team:

Each attendee will receive a copy of CKA’s publication, 

ART Really Teaches!

This book is filled with amazing art ideas.
$40 value!

Your day will include: 

~both CA Visual Art Standards 
& Pre-School Learning Foundation Standards

~the style of 7 master artists

~techniques on how to integrate 
oral language, literature, and math with art

~a rich portfolio of project ideas

~a hands-on session where you will 
get to express your own creative talents

This sample is from Creative Connections for Kids. 
To Register:  CLICK HERE

29 April 2019

2 Give-aways + 2 Sales!

So, we are giving away stuff!

Yes, you heard that right! 
We are giving away 2 gift certificates for DJ Inkers fonts and clipart! (Enter below.)
I'm putting all of my products from TpT
that have DJ Inkers graphics or fonts on sale!

This is a GR8 time to stock up on my most favorite products AND win a gift certificate so you can create the cutest flyers, classroom signs, or custom products for use in your classroom!

The 2 DJ Inkers gift certificates give-away will ~run for a week (April 29-May 6).
~the 2 winners will be announced here, 
and Instagram 
on Monday, May 6

The winners are:
Donna Pulley 
Patty Rutenbar!
DJ Inkers will contact you this week.

My TpT sale will run from April 28-May 6.
I will feature different products each day. 
Be sure to check back often by 

And here is a bonus: DJ Inkers 
is also having a sale! 

From May 2-8 
you can stock up 
on DJ Inkers fonts and adorable graphics 
and save a bundle!

Click the image above.

Here is the Rafflecopter. 
~Enter here to win one of two $15 gift certificates   
  for DJ Inkers. 
~You MUST complete at least TWO of the 
  DJ Inkers options to win. 
~Winners will be notified by May 7th. 

Here is my MOST POPULAR product on TpT which features graphics and fonts from DJ Inkers:

Instant Writing: You students will beg you to write by using this set.
Click the image.

Students get to cut out 
1 pink picture,
1 green picture,
& 1 blue picture:
Click the pink page.

You get 6 pages nouns,  for the subject, verbs, and nouns for the predicate which gives you 48 images for each category!

Click the green page.

Click the blue page.

 Students glue the 3 colored cards to their writing template and verbally express a sentence. 
Click the writing template. 

The teacher helps the child to locate the additional "extra words" needed to write a complete sentence. 
Click the "Extra Words" page. 
Students LOVE to create silly sentences
 and have fun writing!
Create a copy of 1 of each of the 6 pages on cardstock and laminate the cards to create a writing center. 

You can grab this set, 
made with DJ Inkers graphics & fonts,
It will be on sale from 4/29-5/2.

Good luck!

24 February 2019

Trying to Balance it ALL?

This is just what you have been looking for!

But "The Whole Teacher" is offered only until March 3...
Click on the image.

My friend, Crystal Radke, had come up with the BEST idea to help teachers get through the rigors of teaching and balancing it with all that life sends our way. 
Click the image.
This is what she has to say...
If you are like most teachers, you are stressed out, exhausted and counting down to the last day of school! The problem with that is you always feel tired, depleted and constantly empty

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could learn to live a balanced life with freedom to spend time with your family, have energy to take care of yourself and find joy in and outside of the classroom? 

As a member of The Whole Teacher, you will join a COMMUNITY. You will also learn how to stop putting yourself last and finally overcome teacher burn out. It's time you do something for yourself because you deserve it and the ones you love deserve it too!
Click on the image.

Each month will focus on a new topic, such as...
~Embracing Self Care
~Organize Your Life
~Keeping Your Joy In Your Classroom
~Fostering Friendships
~Marriage and Relationships
+ so many more!
Click the image.
So, what are you waiting for?
Did I mention that this offer ends on March 3 
and won't open up again for several months?

Make a difference in your life now. 
and see how your teaching life 
and personal life will benefit. 

for more info. 

And while you are finding ways to reduce stress, sign up for stress-free assessments with ESGI and discover how easy and meaningful testing can really be! Use the built-in tests or create your own to match your required tests. 
Use my code, PalmaBonkers, by 3/1 to get
~a bonus 6 months of ESGI
(so you get 18 months!)
~a $50 Berteau & Co. gift card 
~$40 off your 1st year
~An entry to win a $500 Amazon gift card 
or an Apple Watch!!!
for more info & to get started!

03 February 2019

You Aren't Using ESGI Yet??? You Can NoW & Get a $50 GC + More + A SALE!!!

Have You Wanted to Try ESGI?

Click the image above.

Well, this is YOUR week! 
It's what YOU have been waiting for!
It's a Super-Special Promotion from ESGI!!!
It runs from 2/1/2019 - 2/8/2019.
All you have to do is sign up for your 1st year of ESGI

Remember to use my code:

What you get:
1. A $50 gift card for Amazon.
2. An extra 6 months of ESGI. (That's 18  
3. $40 off of your 1st year!
4. An entry to win a $500 Amazon gift card or an Apple Watch!!! 

Here are the rules:
Benny Bonkers Rules and Guidelines
All prizes and benefits valid for individual, first-time subscribers.  No group or renewal purchases qualify for prizes or benefits.  All trials and purchases must use a promo code that includes the word “BONKERS” when initiated.
  • To enter raffle: Trial must be started before March 31, 2019.
  • To receive 6 months free and $40 savings: Purchase must be completed by May 31, 2019.
  • To receive $50 Amazon card, 6 free months and $40 savings:  Purchase must be completed by Feb. 8, 2019.

So, if you have been waiting for the perfect time to order ESGI, DON'T WAIT! 
And get started NOW!  
Be sure to use my code:  PalmaBonkers

Plus...    My entire TpT Store is on sale!!!
Click the football
And you will see my store.
I'm throwing a Superbowl Sale over at my TpT Store, so grab all of the things on your wishlist and shop 'til you drop! Sale runs Feb. 3-4.

20 January 2019

It's a GR8 Day For Science: + Links, FREEBIES, & Lots of Science Fun!

You asked for it...

Here are the highlights from my science presentation at the California Kindergarten Conference in Northern CA this month.

5 Senses Pre-science:

I introduced each of the 5 senses at the small-group table so each child got to manipulate the realia and learn how to take care of the materials before they became part of the science center. 
Their favorite activity was getting to trace their name with white glue and sprinkle it with powdered Jell-O. When it dried, it became a tactile scratch-&-sniff reminder of how to spell their name. (Great to use this with sight words too!)

Matter: The Power of Air

We got to make our snowmen float on air!
for the directions.
We had so much fun making our
snowmen float on air!

We also had fun with these paper helicopters. CLICK HERE 
for the template and directions.

We tested different variables: size, weight, even color!
Oh, and the bubble experiment was so much fun!


We explored the properties of water, weather experiments that demonstrate the water cycle, and we learned this song:
(To the tune of "Oh, My Darlin'")
Precipitation on my mind.
It is just the water cycle
and it happens all the time!

We talked about seasons, plants, and animal life cycles. 
Click the image for the writing templates.
Click the image for the flowerpot template and complete directions. 

And I shared some FREEBIES & Discount Codes:
FREE scientific method signs
for your classroom!Click the image to grab them!
A FREE month of HP Instant Ink,
A FREE trial of ESGI + $40 off of your 1st year,
A FREE Letter Journal that will
make your classroom come alive from
Alive Studios (with purchase).

If you want ALL of my science templates with
integrated writing templates too, just
email me for a $20 flash drive ($35 value):

So, catch me at a conference or book me for a professional development at your school. 

For more info about the CA Kindergarten Association and their amazing conference, 

Any questions? Just email me or leave me a comment below: