30 November 2019

How Would You Like Too...

...help your students, yourself, & a needy child?

And did I mention that you also get a FREE 
Berteau & Co Word Wall? Well, you do!
You even get to choose the style!
Click the image to get started.
Here is the other style:
I love the colors in this word wall!

Here is one more view of this awesome FREE word wall.

If you try ESGI for FREE for 60 days, 
you can do just that!

Help Your Students: 

Your students will love ESGI so much they will beg you to test them. I'm so sure that they will, that I will send you a FREEBIE from my TpT store if they don't! 

Help Yourself: 

You will save so much time testing, evaluating data, and planning your instruction and intervention! I'm so sure that you will, that I will send you FREEBIE from my TpT store if you don't! 

Help A Needy Child:

If you sign up for your FREE trial with my code:
by Dec. 31, ESGI will donate a cozy pair of pajamas and a storybook to a chid in need!
Click the image to get started.

There is NO credit card required to start your FREE trial and ESGI will not SPAM you! I promise. 

And if you decide to continue with ESGI, you automatically qualify for $40 off of your 1st year because you used my affiliate code! Cool, right?

So, what are you waiting for? 
Here are the details so you get started today making a difference in the lives of your students, yourself, and a needy child. :)

HELP children in need receive cozy pajamas and storybooks this holiday season! It's super simple:

Sign up for a free trial of ESGI using Promo Code GOODNIGHTPALMA by December 31st:

  • You will receive a special Berteau & Co Word Wall for free
  • You will receive ESGI FREE for 60 days
  • You will save $40 off your first year when you purchase
  • ESGI will donate $10 towards Pajama Program
Use the following link to get started: https://www.esgisoftware.com/sign-up?promo=GOODNIGHTPALMA

Sign up and let me know how you LOVE IT!!!