01 April 2018

It's ESGI's "Spring Fling 2018 With ESGI & Friends" Big Promotion & YOU Win!

Everyone Wins With "The Spring Fling 2018 With ESGI and Friends!"

Click the image to sign up for your FREE Extended Trial & Discount. 

Ahhh, SpRiNg! Warm days, birds singing, butterflies fluttering by, and flowers everywhere!
Spring is the PERFECT time to try ESGI for FREE through Aug. 31, 2018!

You heard that right! If you sign up for your FREE trial by May 15, you get to use ESGI for FREE through Aug. 31. 

And, if you entered my promo code, KFUN, when you signed up for your FREE trial, you will automatically qualify for $40 off of your 1st year!
Click the promo code above to get started.

But that's not all, no, that's not all! 
If you purchase your 1st year 
(using my discount code) 
you will also get this awesome 
And... (wait for it)
If you begin your FREE trial 
with my code "KFUN" before May 15, 
you will automatically be entered
 to win an 
to any one of the 
Summer 2018 Conferences 
listed below:

Las Vegas, NV July 9-13

San Deigo, CA June 24-26

Boston, MA July 21

San Antonio, TX June 28-29

New Orleans, LA June 13-15

New Trial Subscribers can 
DOUBLE their Odds to win 
by sharing the campaign with 

on their social media sites!

Springtime is also the PERFECT time to get started with ESGI because you can:
~Share progress with your administrators and parents before the end of the school year.

~Show your colleagues how ESGI can save them SO MUCH TIME and make ESGI part of your Professional Learning Community!

~Get all set up and ready to go for the next school year. This is especially helpful if you pre-test students for next year. You can hand the parents instant data with the parent letter and you will be ready to provide your students with differentiated curriculum and RTI based on the data generated by ESGI.

And it's super easy to get started too!
Click the image above to get started. 

Sign up for your 
and start saving time
and money!